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About lev haolam
Lev Haolam creates connections between international Israel-supporters and the Jewish pioneers of Judea and Samaria
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Lev Haolam is an organization that supports local Jewish business owners in Judea and Samaria who are suffering because of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.

Lev Haolam gives the opportunity to support these Jewish pioneers and their families through our Surprise Monthly Package Project. Our members receive monthly packages filled with goods produced by the families and small businesses of Judea and Samaria.

We search out small family businesses in Judea and Samaria to purchase unique Israeli products to include in our monthly surprise packages. We make large orders from them which helps them to develop the land of Israel. Every month we pack our surprise boxes with their products and ship them all around the world!

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Our Office

The Lev Haolam office is located in Kfar Etzion, one of the first modern Jewish settlements in Judea. Our office is part of a shared work environment with several Israeli enterprises.


The Lev Haolam warehouse is the centralized location for all our packing and shipping.

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Find us here:
Luleem Business Center, Kfar Etzion, Judea, Israel
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and Warehouse

We have a tight knit warehouse crew, for many of whom, this is their first job following their military and national service.


This team makes sure that our surprise packages are packed and safely on the shipping trucks that are a regular part of the warehouse’s daily activity.

Our Team

We are a diverse group of Israelis, some Sabras (native born) and some who have returned home to our ancestral homeland from as far away as America and South Africa.

What unites everyone on the Lev Haolam team is our love for the land of Israel and its people. We all value the opportunity to do work that we love, and to be part of the development of Israel, particularly the Biblical areas of Judea and Samaria.

Find us here:
Luleem Business Center, Kfar Etzion, Judea, Israel